In and out of Kabul Afghanistan 2005-2012

Jun 2, 2007

Bigger, More and Jammer

The Pentagon's Joint IED Defeat Organization feels frustrated that American military deaths are increasingly caused by makeshift explosives. It just doesn't seem fair.

“We are instinctively prone to look for technological solutions,” said one senior Pentagon official. “That’s the way (Americans)are wired.

Surely they should be able to outcompute the enemy?

“We (need) better intelligence ..and that will require changing the attitudes of the local population ...the Iraqis will have to help us root out the people involved.”

So whose tougher?

"Those placed by Shiite forces are increasingly sophisticated, using technology ... from Iran. The Sunni-based insurgents plant bombs of a more homemade variety, but still deadly"

But surely there must be some fanatics somewhere?

Always. "Those associated with Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia strive for the spectacular ... in order to generate hostility and headlines."

Thanks to the 02Jun07 New York Times

May 25, 2007

Good Husbands

Performed by the students of the International School of Kabul 23May07 - directed by yours truly - photos by Waheed Sarmed

The wives prime for a pregnancy annoucement at the gym.

"Have you not loved me all these years - now you want me to have a bady!" Wellllll on three conditions

Babies interrupt negotiations for "just a few more billion dollars" between senior management of the Afghan Construction Company and American Reconstruction Company President Ms Vicky Jones

"Hi John - Yes everything is OK - heh I am soooo happy - we are gonna have a baby"

The good husbands will get the contract thanks to succcessful Santa Maria Naroz Party adoption negotiations

May 21, 2007

Any Where Any Time

Well I may be approaching a tipping point in my insecurity tolerance. Colleagues from the International School were attacked today on the morning hill walk - sunrise looked so peaceful up there last week.

The daily security report pulls no punches ...

Attack: 21 May, Kabul City (District 5, Af-Shar Area) – initial reports suggest that early this morning four members of the international community were walking on a hill adjacent to the Intercontinental Hotel when they are attacked by an individual with grenades and a hand-gun; one grenade was apparently lobbed at the walkers but detonated too far away to inflict injuries; attacker then produced a hand-gun with which he did not appear to have much experience; gun jammed a number of times; walkers managed to make good their escape with no apparent physical injuries.

Comment: Circumstances still to be clarified but incidents such as this serve to illustrate why it is unsafe to assume that any part of Kabul is free from potential danger at any time of the day or night.

May 20, 2007

Viewer Discretion

An upper class woman announces her pregnancy to a friend at the gym, two prominent business men are almost caught cuddling their infant children, and the president of the American Reconstruction company just might award a substantial sub-contract in exchange for an adoption.

All these babies must mean that some sort of sexual practice has been going on. Viewer discretion is advised for the World Premiere of "Good Husbands" 23May07 by the Drama Club at the International School of Kabul.

School Supplies

The girls' classroom is by the side of the road

Backpacks just fill up your arms

The boys look better together

Photos by HEP Community Outreach Team - you guys rock

May 17, 2007

We can't chose

17May07 is the international day against homphobia.

On doit lire le message de Madame Louise Arbour le Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies aux Droits des Personnes.

"The quality of the debate is as important as the result"

Photo - Le Devoir

May 14, 2007

The best Odds

Days ago I was wondering about the personal and collective responsbility for a specific human rights abuse in my home country, and wether that had an analogy in Afghanistan.

Here is a remarkable example of abuse - 1000 Kurd men gathering to stone a young woman to death in Iraq. With the support of her parents.

Honour killing such as this - apparently condoned by Islam - ensures the best possible odds.

May 4, 2007

Time to own it

Are there any offenses too big to forgive?

To what extent is responsibility for one’s offenses a condition of forgiveness?

I have been wondering aloud and praying about a tragedy being uncovered this week back home – evidence of wide spread sexual abuse in an upper crust Toronto boys school some 30 years ago. An acknowledgement of guilt on four counts and a plea bargain to drop other rumoured charges and serve house arrest. One victim committed suicide.

I am no more responsible for this than for the widespread human rights abuses in Afghanistan – by Taliban fundamentalists, coalition occupation forces, warlord powerbrokers, drug cartels and corrupt government officials. But this outrage at home has raised my ire at the powerful here – their greed and lack of respect. Sexual abuse of minors is analogously angrymaking – the exploitation of the powerless by the powerful.

And hence the question “is there hope”? For the oppressed and for the oppressive world. Is there a possible truth and reconciliation process – a way to acknowledge responsibility and ask for genuine forgiveness? As a Christian I believe my accountability is to both God and man. But it is the latter with whom we face the greater challenge.

Mankind may indeed be burdened with original sin, but it is our own acts that we need to examine - our own impact on the world that we need to critique. And we seem to live in a time of gross inability to admit error, to acknowledge mistakes, and to take responsibility for oppressive outcomes.

I’d like to start by asking the offenders to reflect on their victims. For both the sexual abusers and the powerful in the Afghanistan political arena to take some time to examine the consequences of their greed. To put aside for a moment their grievances – or ideologies. To make settling the score or being right a lower priority than being humane and kind and respectful of their fellow humans.

We have blood on our hands.

It is time to own it.

Apr 23, 2007

Honest Propaganda

The PsyOp in the GAP of ISAF has determined that "honest proganda is very effective because the Afghan people are not well educated and have few sources of information and therefore are easily manupulated."

This Psychological Operations Unit of the Policy Action Group of the International Security Force for Afghansitan is also on record as "no longer lying to people as was done in the past". Though they still seem committed to "western values - democrcy, liberty, justice, human rights and women's rights."

Apr 22, 2007

Where the Birds are

How the neighbourhood avian population might view the Department of Health's recent visit.

Apr 20, 2007

To Captain Steve Brown

To Captain Steve Brown Canadian Army Kandahar:

Steve ... I read your letter in the Mansfield Echo and was very moved. Thanks – you made me proud to be a Canadian.

I work in the relative comfort and safety of Kabul as operations manager for a US government funded university development project. In 2005 I had the good fortune of managing primary school development projects in the West - still relatively safe but losing ground. Frankly Kabul is now the only place I would live here from a security point of view.

We couldn't do development without the space created by the coalition forces. Without your commitment and courage. Your six fallen comrades must be missed – we hear about their families and I imagine how painful it must be for a parent.

We also couldn’t do development without the remarkably brave and principled NGO staff. And Afghan colleagues who have taken up the education torch. And the generosity of developed country taxpayers who fund this work.

There is a lot invested here.

Unfortunately one key piece is missing which seriously jeopardizes the investment - America's willingness to pressure Pakistan to curb the Taliban. This of course gives serious credence to the theory that the American government does not want to end the war in Afghanistan.

Their motivation isn't the issue. For me it is my country's participation in a war where the possibility of victory is being undermined, and where principles and lives are being sacrificed for political gain. History, geography and prosperity bind us intimately to the United States of America - let's be clear that the death of Canadian soldiers in southern Afghanistan is one of the costs of the close relationship.

My prayers go out to you and your mates on the front line.

Thanks Steve - for making it possible for me to put some of my principles on the line here.

Best regards

Apr 18, 2007

Different Approaches to Education

Kids hitchin a ride to school as we descend the morning mountain.

The Virginia Tech massacre provides the Taliban with another good reason to forbid schools

Cartoon Michel Garneau Le Devoir de Montreal

Apr 13, 2007

Good Odds

One in five ...

Don't Ask

Pink or Red

Ex-Taliban Employee Waiver

Crafting a "waiver request for ex-Taliban employee" - one of a number of documents on the trail to a US visa. ?How do ya think these sound ...

"did not actively participate in Taliban activities, engage in military activities, nor support the Taliban government.

"was fired by the Taliban government in 1997, remained unemployed …

"employed … but as a 19 year-old translator trying to help his family make ends meet

"will allow USG officials to probe the thinking of their Afghan counterpart on development of the sector

"his presence … has critical symbolic as well as substantive meaning

"with memories of extreme economic hardship, (Name of Applicant)is deeply committed to the democratic course his country has now embarked on.

Wish me luck.

Apr 6, 2007

Up Early

0743 - A suicide bomber attacks a senior police officer's car on Darluman Road 200 metres from the house.

0841 - ISAF Helicopters tour curious indignataries through the neighbourhood

1049 - Friday life goes on - the Iranian mosque is almost complete

Apr 2, 2007

Worth Running

One needs to be prepared to run at any time

Mar 24, 2007

The altered note of beauty

Afghan Music makes extensive use of the Lydian (Sharp 4) Mode - the Kaylan That in Hindustani parlance . So the fourth is a much altered note in both that mode and the ever popular Ionian (Major Scale).

"It adds beauty" says Usted Muktar. The whole band was at class today to concur. "But don't forget to return to the original raga - the root emotion."

Mar 20, 2007

!Naroz Mubarak!

Sunset on the year 1386 ...




What are your wishes?

Mar 8, 2007


Goat deliverer stocking Butcher Street shelves

Dice tosser anticipating another good roll.

The sheep herders arriving a bit early for a shave

Snow personator admiring a carrot nose

Feb 25, 2007

It may be hard to read the license plate but ...

Today's suspected Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Device list ...

Toyota Corolla, Yellow, Registration Kabul 65674

Toyota Corolla, White, Registration Kabul 93696

Toyota Surf, Yellow, Registration Kabul 21278

Toyota Corolla, White Registration 6851

Toyota Town Ace, Yellow 21287

Toyota Corolla, Silver, Registration 3696

Toyota Corolla, Yellow, Registration 711491

Feb 19, 2007

A coupla frosty Quebecs

Mid day sun

gravitates tin roof snow

to earth

Hanging from the

wood pile

No longer

standing tall

Feb 15, 2007

Socks for Refugees

The needy

are not hard

to find

You can

hug socks

You cannot

eat socks

You can

never have

enough socks

Photos by HEP Community Outreach Team - Wasee, Basir, Nasrat - thanks guys