In and out of Kabul Afghanistan 2005-2012

Apr 13, 2007

Ex-Taliban Employee Waiver

Crafting a "waiver request for ex-Taliban employee" - one of a number of documents on the trail to a US visa. ?How do ya think these sound ...

"did not actively participate in Taliban activities, engage in military activities, nor support the Taliban government.

"was fired by the Taliban government in 1997, remained unemployed …

"employed … but as a 19 year-old translator trying to help his family make ends meet

"will allow USG officials to probe the thinking of their Afghan counterpart on development of the sector

"his presence … has critical symbolic as well as substantive meaning

"with memories of extreme economic hardship, (Name of Applicant)is deeply committed to the democratic course his country has now embarked on.

Wish me luck.